09.02.22 - 13.03.22 | PREMIO |
The Performing Arts Incentive Award has selected eight projects to be presented at the semi-final round on March 12, 2022 to the association's member programmers.
Among the selected creations, we find Médiéval Crack by Collectif Foulles and Ghosts are extended flesh by Johanne, developed by graduates of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance from their final works. Congratulations to them!
Saturday, March 12, 2022
ZeughausKultur, Brig
Le concours PREMIO a pour objectif d'encourager les jeunes compagnies de théâtre et de danse et de les mettre en réseau avec des théâtres indépendants et des festivals.
Médiéval Crack
by the Collectif Foulles : Collin Cabanis, Hortense de Boursetty, Délia Krayenbuhl, Fabio Zoppelli
Ghosts are extended flesh
by Johanne Closuit