
The research conducted by the Manufacture is directly related to the questions of contemporary creation in the field of performative arts.

It follows three directions: a research on art as can engage the human sciences; research for art as can participate in science and technology; and research by art also called research-creation.

This research based on artistic practices develops singular knowledge at the crossroads of disciplines. Its issues are forged - and its results are elaborated - in the experience of the stage and the performance or from a deep and detailed knowledge of this experience. It develops specific methodologies, and invents and / or develops adapted publication formats (sharing of results).

It concerns all the practices and reflections that are able to nourish and decompartmentalize the performative arts; able to renew the approaches and methods of scenic creation; to question traditional practices; to implement research and teaching protocols linking theory and practice; and to make artistic practices active in other fields.

For this purpose, the Research Mission works in partnership with other Haute écoles of art, universities and with the performing arts profession, both nationally and internationally, and encourages the next generation.

Each project developed brings together a team of practitioners and theoreticians, based on the specific objectives of the research. The majority of the members of these teams also teach in the various fields as coaches. Some projects associate students and allow them to regularly confront the different issues of research during experimentation sessions combining theory and practice, and develop a true culture of research.

La Manufacture belongs to the Institut de recherche en musique et arts de la scène (IRMAS). The IRMAS has three axes : Creation and interpretation, Art and Society and Transmission.

