Antje Schur

She is a graduate of the Karlsruhe and Dresden Schools of Fine Arts.
She has been practising Contact Improvisation dance since 1994, training with Dieter Heitkamp at the Tanzfabrik in Berlin and Howard Sonenklar at the BELEM Cultural Centre in Lisbon. She took part in the On the Edge Festival in Paris in 1998 and trained during intensive courses in instant composition with Steve Paxton, Lisa Nelson, Simone Forti, Mark Tompkins, Julyen Hamilton and Joao Fiadeiro. She took part in Mark Tompkins' choreographic residency in Strasbourg and danced in his Compagnie IDA in several shows between 1999 and 2012.
Since 2002 she has been co-artistic director of Cie dégadézo with Régine Westenhoeffer. With dégadézo, she reconnects with her first love as a visual artist, which led her to take charge of the set design and costumes for the latest shows.
As a performer, she has taken part in choreographic creations with the Compagnie RatzanKor in Berlin, with Dieter Heitkamp in Frankfurt/Main, with the Compagnie DoTheater in Aachen, the Cie VoixPointComme/Strasbourg and with the Cie ManDrake/Toméo Verges in Paris. She took part in the creation of the choreographic installation Tentative d'évaporation by Claire Hurpeau / Cie Muutos and works as a collaborator for various companies.