
Comédie de Genève
05.05.24 Comédie de Genève

    BA-Dance · Promo H : Territoires of Mathilde Monnier

    On Sunday 5 May, there will be two performances of Mathilde Monnier's Territoires at the Comédie de Genève. This will be an opportunity to see the students in the H year of the Bachelor's programme in Comporary Dance, strolling through the theatre in the steps of the renowned choreographer.

    Sunday 5 May, 2.30pm then 5.30pm 

    Mathilde Monnier has taken over every nook and cranny of the Comédie for a two-dimensional tour: through space, the gigantic and recent theatre, and through time, the 30 years she has devoted to dance. Encountering the choreographer's emblematic solos and duets, we explore her eclectic and singular territories. Mathilde Monnier's repertoire is given new impetus and meaning.


    • 03.09.24

      03.09 - 06.09.2024

      MA-Théâtre : OUT 11

      Les étudiant·es metteur·es en scène et scénographes de la 11e volée du Master Théâtre présentent leurs créations scéniques de fin d'études durant les 4 soirées de OUT.

    • 07.09.24


      20th anniversary party

      20 years programme —
      A festive evening open to all.

    • 21.09.24


      Journée Portes ouvertes

      The Manufacture opens its doors to the public

    • 21.10.24

      21.10 - 25.10.2024

      New : Discovery Workshop

      Durant la 2e semaine des vacances d’automne, du 21 au 25 octobre 2024, La Manufacture propose 1 semaine d’atelier pour les jeunes entre 14 et 18 ans.