Maria Da Silva

Stage director and playwright Maria Da Silva (MAT La Manufacture-Haute école des arts de la scène, 2018) and landscape architect Nicolas Dutour (HEPIA, 2015) founded the Dénominateurs Communs collective to question art and territory. Together, they led a research project at La Manufacture "théâtre-paysage" hors les murs and in situ, in which they explored Gilles Clément's concept of "Tiers paysage". Focusing on sensitive experience, they create hybrid art forms that explore the relationship between living beings and their environment - Notre Cabane, Qui est là? They have also designed and presented sensitive walks that write the landscape - La belle verte, Retour vers le futur (BIG, 2019), Marches exploratoires (Pavillon de l'ADC, 2021) and Staying Alive (Explore Festival, 2022). In the summer of 2021, the two artist-cheurcheurs will organize an experimental laboratory with some fifteen artists on the theme of living together and collective idleness. Continuing their research-creation work at La Manufacture, they also run "landscape-theater" workshops at the University of Geneva. In 2021, they received a grant from the Canton of Geneva for their "Empreinte sonore" survey project.
Audio annex to the thesis
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