28.04.17 - 05.05.17 | Opéra de Lausanne |
Animal and operatic silliness
Libretto by Örs Kisfaludy
New production Opéra de Lausanne with the participation of the students of Master Theater (world premiere)
But...what on earth is a zoocrate? Is it some kind of learned animal, a zoological Socrates of sorts whose name is spoken with a lisp or even a stutter? A...Socratic animal? Why not! Doesn't the writer Eugène Ionesco declare so in his play Rhinoceros? : « All cats are mortal. Socrates is mortal. Therefore Socrates is a cat. » This is pure logic, isn't it? Indeed, but it would be even more (zoo) logical to think that a zoocrate is but the animal equivalent of a democrat. And zoocracy, the equivalent of democracy.
Örs Kisfaludy
From 28 April to 5 May 2017
From 28 April to 5 May 2017
Friday 28 April 2017, 7pm
Saturday 29 April 2017, 3pm
Saturday 29 April, 7pm
Sunday 30 April 2017, 5pm
Wednesday 3 May 2017, 5pm
Friday 5 May, 7pm
Price : CHF 20.- to 45.-
From 8 ans
Le chasseur : Thierry Takahashi-Jorand
Le lion : Daniel Golossov
La hyène : Jérôme Vavasseur
L’homme-singe / Le marabout : Alexandre Diakoff
La Gazelle : Yuki Tsurusaki
Le Zèbre : Fernando Cuellar Leon
Le guépard : Jérémie Schütz
Le crocodile : Mihai Teodoru
L’autruche : Cristina Segura
Le petit rat / L’éléphanteau / Le lama / Le chimpanzé / L’œuf : Juliette Michel
Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne
Direction musicale : Andrei Feher
Mise en scène : Pierre Lepori, François Renou
Scénographie : Pierre Lepori, Sylvie Kleiber, François Renou
Étude et dramaturgie : Sarah Calcine, Guillaumarc Froidevaux, Jean-Louis Johannides, Kevin Martos
Costumes : Amélie Reymond
Conception audio-design : Nicolas Descloux
Tutorat dramaturgie : Robert Cantarella
Tutorat scénographie : Sylvie Kleiber
Tutorat technique et création lumières : Nicolas Berseth
Costumes confectionnés dans les ateliers de l'Opéra de Lausanne
Photo credit: Singes dans la jungle, 1910, Henri J.F. Rousseau, dit Le Douanier (1844-1910) / Collection privée © Bridgeman Images
Online information session for actors applying for the Bachelor Theatre auditions (in French)
Online via Zoom, no registration required
11.06 - 19.06.2025
In June 2025, the Class N students will present ‘Zucco’, their graduation show, in Lausanne, then on tour.