03.05.21 | Online |
The political scientist and decolonial feminist Françoise Vergès is invited to the "State of the World" conference series for a talk entitled "Decolonizing the arts? What are we talking about?", which will be broadcasted online.
What is decolonizing? What processes of decolonization in the arts are urgent and necessary today? How does the decolonization of the arts contribute to struggles against structural and systemic violence? For the emancipation? And which emancipation?
Françoise Vergès proposes to explore these questions in a period where the extreme right, racism and sexism, the economy of devastation and predation, in a context of pandemic and climate crisis, appear formidable.
This is the fourth intervention in the "State of the World" lecture series, which aims to offer students and apprentices of The Manufacture another opening on the issues of the contemporary world.
Given the current coronavirus regulations, this conference will be held at a distance, allowing a wider community to share these issues with us.
Online by Zoom, without registration
25.03 - 27.03.2025
The 3rd year students of the Bachelor Theatre, promotion N, invite you to discover their graduation works created in autonomy.
Le mardi 25 mars à 18h, le foyer de La Manufacture accueillera le vernissage de deux formats de mise en partage de projets de recherche.
28.03 - 29.03.2025
Students from the O year of the Bachelor's in Theatre present the fruit of their work with director Anne Montfort.
11.04 - 16.04.2025
The 1st and 2nd year students in La Manufacture's Bachelor's degree in Contemporary Dance invite you to discover the fruits of their creative work with choreographers Mark Lorimer, Stavroula Siamou and Sophia Rodrigues.