BA-Dance · Class F : Enf-of-year show – Yasmine Hugonnet
The Swiss choreographer created the piece "Empatheia" with the first year students of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance, class F.
Together, they worked on the appropriation of the other's language through affective and mimetic empathy. Sensing the emerging gesture, discovering the presence and the creativity of a person who is watching and appropriating a gesture, allowing oneself to deploy one's dance in the presence of the other.
The creation was based on the tools developed by the choreographer as part of her ongoing research on the concomitance of immobility and movement, and on attention and reciprocity.
Choreography : Yasmine Hugonnet
With the Class F students of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance : Virginie Alessandroni, Jessica Allemann, Alina Arshi, Meggie Malou Blanckschyn, Jamila Baioia, Melina Damianaki, Giulia Fabbri, Timéa Lador, Jade Parmentier, Emma Salomé Perez, Tristan Richon, Robinson Starck, Natasha Vuletic, Marko Zelenovic
Costumes : Class F students and Yasmine Hugonnet
Technique : Nicolas Berseth and Wiley Gonzalez
Assistant to the transmission : Romane Peytavin
Pictures : Gregory Batardon