Léo Zagagnoni

01.05 - 15.07.2024
Les étudiant·es de la promotion M présentent leur spectacle de sortie : Avignon, une école.
25.03 - 27.03.2024
The 3rd year students of the Bachelor Theatre, promotion M, invite you to discover their graduation solos created in autonomy.
La comédienne et metteure en scène Lilo Baur a travaillé avec les étudiant·es de 3e année à la mise en pratique d'un processus d'improvisation autour du texte "Le Conte d'hiver" de Shakespeare.
Images : © Gregory Batardon
Actress and director Lilo Baur worked with 3rd-year students to put into practice an improvisation process based on Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale".
"Troïlus et Cressida" de Shakespeare
21.12 - 22.12.2022
The Parcours libres are an opportunity for students to explore a personal theatrical universe. As a group, they propose a short play based on creation and interpretation.
In this cross-disciplinary workshop, first-year students from the Bachelor in Theatre (class M) and Master in Theatre (class 2021) programs worked together on the work of Marguerite Duras.
The students of the Bachelor Theatre, class M, worked with Bastien Semenzato on how to "Tell the tragedy (of) today".
The actress and stage director Lilo Baur worked with the first-year students to put into practice an improvisation process around the short stories of the Russian writer Mikhail Zotchtchenko.