BA-Dance · Class F : Workshop with Gregory Stauffer
As part of his ongoing research on "Sustainable processes in the living arts", the choreographer Gregory Stauffer invited the students of the F class (2nd year) to transpose the principles of self-regulation and feedback applied in permaculture to artistic processes.
During a week spent in nature, in the forest of Malvaux in Biel, the students became aware of, listed and exercised feedback practices.
Un atelier de Grégory Stauffer, assisté par Léa Samira Bernath
Avec les étudiant·es de la promotion F du Bachelor en Contemporary Dance : Virginie Alessandroni, Jessica Allemann, Alina Arshi, Meggie Malou Blankschyn, Jamila Baioia, Melina Damianaki, Giulia Fabbri, Timéa Lador, Jade Parmentier, Emma Salomé Perez, Tristan Richon, Robinson Starck, Natasha Vuletic
Pictures : Simone Haug