BAT-M BAT-L | Director, author, actor |
01.09.2013 - 31.08.2015
Performance and action in situation, from social sciences to artistic practices.
This transdisciplinary project elaborates a reflexive and collaborative approach between social sciences and arts (performing arts, music and film)
01.04.2014 - 12.11.2016
This research project originates from the fact that the musical term “score” has been borrowed, since the turn of the 20th century - and increasingly in recent decades - by other artistic disciplines, primarily theatre, performance and dance.
01.11.2015 - 30.06.2017
What kind of presence today? - Phase 2
This project is part two of a research study questioning the notion of "presence" and overlaps with different performing arts (theatre, dance, performance, music).
The 3rd year Bachelor Theatre students (class L) worked with the two directors for five weeks on the figure of the jester. The objective was to work through a text from the classical repertoire, namely Molière's "L'Avare".
Présentation de fin d’atelier des étudiant·es du Bachelor Théâtre sous la direction de Oscar Gómez Mata, metteur en scène
Promotion J - 2e année
Des intervenants de La Manufacture récompensés lors des Prix Suisses de Théâtre
Open doors, Master Class Valérie Dréville and the "Quart d'heure de culture métaphysique"